The BMS Big Banana v2.0 aligns perfectly with the principles of effective dew removal and turf management. Its innovative features offer a practical, efficient, and sustainable solution for maintaining world-class greens. Make the smart choice for your course; choose the BMS Big Banana v2.0
Core Features
Lightweight Design: The all-aluminium handle ensures the tool is easy to manoeuvre, reducing fatigue during extended use.
Ergonomic Grips: Rubber hand grips provide a comfortable and secure hold, allowing for more effective and efficient dew removal.
Durable Fibreglass Tip: Reinforced with a new adhesive-applied plastic black sleeve, the long fibreglass tip is designed to protect the most vulnerable part of the tool, extending its lifespan.
Multi-Functional: Beyond dew removal, the BMS Big Banana v2.0 is effective in clearing pine needles and worm casts, making it a versatile addition to your turf management toolkit.
Adaptability: The tool is suitable for a variety of surfaces, including greens, tees, and fairways, offering comprehensive care for your golf course.
The replaceable end section is 2.5 metres in length, and constructed from high-quality fibreglass rod.
The new v2 end section comes with stronger black reinforced sleeving & internal parts.
Replacement end sections for v1 Bigbanana dew switches are for use with any big banana bought before 01/11/23.
Please note the v1 is no longer available from BMS.
Overall length when extended is approx 4 meters, providing a slightly longer length than most other designs.
Turf Health: Excessive moisture can lead to the growth of fungi and other diseases. Dew removal is crucial for maintaining a healthier turf.
Improved Playability: Dew makes the surface slippery, affecting the golfer’s experience. A dew-free green ensures better playability.
Disease Control: Dew creates a moist environment conducive to the growth of fungi and algae. Removing dew significantly reduces the chances of disease outbreaks.
Water Conservation: Effective dew removal can reduce the need for additional irrigation, contributing to sustainable water management.